Lacking the time, inspiration or the will to run with it yourself? missing a clear concept idea or even the network?
Your interior designer will design your renovation project, find the right professionals for it and supervise the execution works on your apartment or house, for you.
Your interior architect‘s mission consists of :
- tailoring spaces around your needs,
- assisting in the design process and design thinking of your interior remodeling project,
- offering and finding solutions,
- finding the right professionals,
- supervising the works.
Choosing the right interior designer for your project is important.
Choosing the right interior designer for your project is important.
Make sure to :
- take the time to go in depth through your thoughts, requirements,
- list your needs and aspirations as well as inspirations,
- enounce the objective you aim to reach in your newly designed space whether it be entertainment, wellbeing, festive times or calm or both, a versatile use of space, etc.
Take the time to feel whether you are being understood.
Christophe Antunes gives importance and time to collecting information which will allow him to reach a good-enough level of understanding of who you are, what you seek, how you live and what your aspirations are.
Makes sure your French interior designer is the subscriber of a valid “assurance décennale” insurance policy.

If you are looking for dedicated assistance from an interior designer who is serious, precise, exigeant, ingenious and with a high degree of attention to detail, you are in the right place.
My work in a few words : freedom of movement, perspective and wellbeing.
Buying a property in Paris or in the South-East ?
A place in need of an overhaul ?
Let me assist in designing and overseeing the execution of your renovation project.
Buying a property in Paris or in the South-East ?
A place in need of an overhaul ?
Let me assist in designing and overseeing the execution of your renovation project.
I will collect precise measurements of the existing place and draw the plans of your apartment, house or space "as-is".
I will propose sketches followed by summary preliminary plans which we will then discuss in order to refine the overall direction we will be giving to the project..
Visuals and mood boards will be added as well as the full set of technical execution plans (demolition, partitioning, plumbing, electrics, lighting, joinery, etc.).
If my mission is limited to the design, I will hand over a full project book. If my mission includes the supervision of the works, I will send the full description and list of choices to contractors, collect their price quotes and assist you in making a choice and assigning the works.
The cost of the works varies depending on size, quality, geographic area and demand on the local market, aesthetic choices and technical solutions agreed upon as part of the designing process. We will define and agree on those elements together according to your priorities.
On day one of the execution works, a first ession will be held with the ad-hoc professionals and the works will kick-off on your home's renovation project.
Worsite meeting after worksite meeting, your interior designer will as and when needed, issue formal reservations if discrepancies or defects are found. Reservations may only be lifted when discrepancies are corrected or if the issues are found to be of minor importance and acceptable. Professionals are paid the amount of the final remainder of their work if and when the final issue is either lifted or accepted.